Submission to the First Session of the International Peoples,

Tribunal on Human Rights and the Environment


Requesting Adjudication of Issues Surrounding

Peabody Western Coal Company,s mining operations

in Black Mesa, Arizona


Human Rights and the Environment

 I.  Parties

The Dineh (Navajo) people v Peabody Western Coal Company (PWCC), Hanson Holding Company PLC, the US Department of the Interior (DOI), the US Department of the Interior Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement (OSMRE), the US Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Black Mesa Pipeline Company

II.  Baselines

This case is based on the principles, rights and duties contained in the following Covenants and Declarations:


III.   Issues

1.  Whether the operations and behavior of Peabody Western Coal Company in Black Mesa, Arizona constitutes a violation of the human, civil and political rights of the Dineh people.

2.  Whether the government of the United States is fulfilling its trust responsibility and duty to uphold and protect the human, civil and political rights, health, environment, safety and welfare of the Dineh people.

3.  Whether the government of the United States has the right to intervene on Indian lands to legislate Relocation policies that negate property rights for Dineh people who have been living there before Europeans first came to this continent.

4.  Whether the solarization of the Four Corners power plants and conversion of Peabody Coal to large-scale solar operations can be implemented for the US government to fulfill its implementation of Agenda 21.
