We all must send letters of support (and financial contributions if you can).
Resources section below will tell you how. The United States was built on a
legacy of murder and abuse of the original inhabitants of this land. We
cannot carry that legacy into the future and begin the new millennium with
more blood on our hands.


Please write letters (email, regular mail or FAX) to your elected
to urge them to stop the genocide of the Dineh and give them the rights they
deserve. This 25-year tragedy must end now. The resources below will help you
take action.

1. For updated status reports on actions against the Dineh, visit


2. A press release about the current state of affairs is at

3. For a prepared letter that you can copy and send to your elected

representatives visit
http://www.magiccookie.com/activism/black-mesa/scia-19990219.html. It has a
list of the current U.S. Senators who sit on the Select Committee on Indian

4. The Dineh resistance effort needs money. Tax deductible donations can be
to their authorized agent below. I have worked with these people personally
many years and I can assure you that the money will reach its destination.
also have a video that presents the issue:
Steve Sugarman, Executive Director
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), 20110 Rockport Way, Malibu, CA,
90265-5340, Telephone: (310) 456-3534. Please make your check payable to
Sovereign Dineh Nation (SDN). You can email Steve at SEE8541@aol.com

5. If you or anyone you know could possibly go to Black Mesa and stand by the
elders during this struggle, you can contact them at: Black Mesa Indigenous
Support, (520)773-8086, P.O. Box 23501, Flagstaff, AZ 86002. Email

fbmsn@hotmail.com or granmonta@hotmail.com

6. Send letters to the following officials.
? Email the Bureau of Indian Affairs at nedra_darling@ios.doi.gov
? Email Bruce Babbitt, the Head of the Department of the Interior in which
the BIA is housed at bruce_babbitt@ios.doi.gov
? Fred Chavez, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Hopi Agency, P O Box 158, Keams
AZ. 86034
? Kevin Gover, Assistant Secretary, Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240-0001, Office: 202-208-3711, Fax:
? for a complete BIA phone book, visit http://www.doi.gov/bia/biapho.htm

7. For a detailed list of addresses of those who need to hear from
you, visit
http://www.magiccookie.com/activism/black-mesa/contacts.html. The site is
still under construction, but a lot of good information is there now.

8. Read a fact sheet prepared by the Dineh Nation at

9. The recently issued report by the UN Commission on Human Rights regarding
the Dineh can be found at

10. Read the Notice to Vacate given to the Dineh by the U.S. Government

11. See a thorough summary of the history of the Dineh relocation

12. Another good summary can be found at http://www.umc-gbcs.org/dineh-am.htm
which focuses on the human rights violations and the religious freedoms

13. Read the EPA description of the Church Rock nuclear waste spill superfund
site that is upstream from the relocation site. Ten thousand Dineh are living
suffering here now. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed
to read

14. Send an email message to President Clinton at president@whitehouse.gov
demanding action on this issue. The Dineh must be supported and the harassment
being condoned by the U.S. government in the interest of big business must
You can also use the form at
http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/Mail/html/Mail_President.html to send your

15. Find out who your Congressional representatives are and e-mail them.
that the harassment of the Dineh end and that steps be taken to help these
that the U.S. has persecuted since its beginning. If you know your Zip code,
can find them at http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ziptoit.html or you can
search by state at http://www.webslingerz.com/jhoffman/congress-email.html.
You can also find your representatives at

16. Learn about the issues. A great alternative bookstore is Powell’s
Bookstore in
Portland, Oregon at http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/associate?assoc_id=212
where you will find a wonderful alternative to the massive chain bookstores
taking over the market.

{Jackie Giuliano, a writer and a Professor of Environmental Studies, can be
in Venice, California, thinking about all the power his computer uses and how
that has impacted the Dineh. Please send your thoughts, comments,
visions to him at jackie@healingourworld.com and visit his web site at

