Thursday March 30, 2:33 pm Eastern Time

U.S. House approves Colombia aid, defense boost

WASHINGTON, March 30 (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on
Thursday approved $13 billion to help Colombia fight cocaine trafficking,
replenish military coffers tapped by Kosovo peacekeeping and offer relief
to victims of last year's hurricanes and floods.

The House passed a bill that had ballooned from President Bill Clinton's
original $5 billion request as lawmakers added nearly $6 billion for the
Pentagon, more than doubled the $1 billion Clinton wanted for weather
relief and tacked on funds for highway repairs and other uses.

The measure faces an uncertain future in the Senate, where Republican
Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi has complained about the ``bloated'' House
bill. Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Ted Stevens, an Alaska
Republican, has said he is preparing a $9 billion bill.

House members turned back efforts to cut the $1.7 billion Clinton wanted to
help train and equip Colombia's military and national police to fight the
illegal drug trade that has fueled a bloody conflict in the country and
flooded many U.S. cities with cocaine and heroin.

Lawmakers also narrowly rejected an effort to force Clinton to start
withdrawing U.S. forces from Kosovo unless European NATO allies start
shouldering a larger share of the peacekeeping costs.


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La Alianza Amazónica para los Pueblos Indígenas y Tradicionales de la
Cuenca Amazónica es una iniciativa nacida de la alianza entre los pueblos
indígenas y tradicionales de la Amazonía y grupos e individuos que
comparten sus preocupaciones por el futuro de la Amazonía y sus pueblos.
Las ochenta organizaciones del norte y del sur activas en la Alianza
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The Amazon Alliance for Indigenous and Traditional Peoples of the Amazon
Basin is an initiative born out of the partnership between indigenous and
traditional peoples of the Amazon and groups and individuals who share
their concerns for the future of the Amazon and its peoples. The eighty
non-governmental organizations from the North and South active in the
Alliance believe that the future of the Amazon depends on its peoples and
the state of their environment.
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