Monday April 3, 8:04 pm Eastern Time

Oxy to appeal Colombia court oil
ruling in 48 hrs

BOGOTA, April 3 (Reuters) - Occidental Petroleum Corp
(NYSE:OXY - news) said Monday it would lodge an appeal
within the next 48 hours against a court ruling that prevented it drilling
for oil in a northeast corner of Colombia that an Indian tribe claims as
ancestral lands.

In a surprise announcement last Friday, state-run oil company Ecopetrol
said the 7,000-strong U'wa
Indian community had successfully obtained a court injunction blocking the
sinking of a first test well
in the promising Samore block.

Occidental and the U'was have been locked in a long-running legal dispute
over lands rights since the U.S. oil company was awarded exploration rights
in 1992.

Experts say the block could harbor some 2.5 billion barrels of reserves and
could ensure that Colombia would remain self-sufficient in oil for the
medium term. Without a
significant new find, Colombia, which currently produces about 800,000
barrels of crude per day, is set to become a net oil importer by 2005.

``The limit to lodge an appeal expires Wednesday so we will file within
that time frame,'' an Occidental spokesman said. ``We hope the judge will
reverse the decision so
that we can restart the civil construction works.''

The U'was claim that the proposed Gibraltar-1 drill site, though 500 meters
(yards) beyond the limit
of their officially-recognized reserve, is still within the territory
occupied by their ancestors.

Last year, the Colombian government increased the U'wa reservation fivefold
to more than 540,000
acres (220,000 hectares). Shortly afterward, the Environment ministry
granted an exploration license
to Occidental.

The Bogota court that considered the new U'wa injunction last week ruled
that drilling a test well at
Gibraltar-1 would affect the right of the U'was to a peaceful existence.

The U'was regard oil as the ``life blood of Mother Earth''.



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La Alianza Amazonica no ha verificado la veracidad de este
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La Alianza Amazónica para los Pueblos Indígenas y Tradicionales de la
Cuenca Amazónica es una iniciativa nacida de la alianza entre los pueblos
indígenas y tradicionales de la Amazonía y grupos e individuos que
comparten sus preocupaciones por el futuro de la Amazonía y sus pueblos.
Las ochenta organizaciones del norte y del sur activas en la Alianza
Amazónica creen que el futuro de la Amazonía depende de sus pueblos y el
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The Amazon Alliance for Indigenous and Traditional Peoples of the Amazon
Basin is an initiative born out of the partnership between indigenous and
traditional peoples of the Amazon and groups and individuals who share
their concerns for the future of the Amazon and its peoples. The eighty
non-governmental organizations from the North and South active in the
Alliance believe that the future of the Amazon depends on its peoples and
the state of their environment.
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